26 Jun 2014

The day before yesterday, when I was on the verge of getting off the train, a man fell down flat in front of me. I had been realising that he kept on whirling in the running train, and thought that he must be drunk. But I was probably wrong. After his falling down, I let him away from the leaving train, and took him to more secure place. He said he's ok so I left behind him, because that's what I would hope if I was in his situation. Now I doubt he possibly suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. I could do practically nothing though, I can't help being pensive thinking about my father who passed away from a hemorrhagic stroke.

24 Jun 2014

The last Sunday I joined a workshop on CSS and type-settings. I gave the first presentation for the workshop, despite I'm not familiar with neither CSS nor type-settings. The only reason I decided to talk was that I would not prepare for the workshop if I wasn't driven to such a responsible situation. Fortunately, I managed to state my attitude toward the relatively new technological challenges, and could get a lot of stimuli from the audience in return. More to the point, drinking bear after the talk is really bliss.

The next day, that is yesterday, my son got a fever for the first time in the past year. He has stayed in his bed quietly, but he's still unwell and seems to lose his appetite. I hope he becomes well again the next morning.

20 Jun 2014

I would make my living by programming but for the other users! I know it's my bad nature not to make an effort to create tools for others. I really look up to people who are writing computer programs that some other person will use.

17 Jun 2014

There's no skill that one can achieve effortlessly. In other words, all skills need quite a few training and endurance to achieve. Without intense efforts, nothing would come out. As a professional editor for books on science and technology, I think I've been a kind of trained to be able to explain vague things logically. It's not a gifted talent or something like that, although I'm always consciously trying to cultivate that skill. Sadly enough, sometimes such a fiddle skill even seems to make others feel embarrassed, and they often show me a hostile attitude. I could pretend to be an inconsequential person. Having that said, no self-respecting man wouldn't achieve any professional skills.

16 Jun 2014

Sometimes I cannot bear to write a diary. A lot of things actually happened these days, but I have no word to write down them. I could do with a change of scenery...

12 Jun 2014

As far as I have been concerned, people would never acquire any kind of skill by just being instructed a procedure to do a job. Sometimes, procedures are even harmful against the people who have no motivation to get the stuff done. On the other hand, once people realise how significant their task is, and have enough motivation, it will be the chance to show them how to do that in the form of a concrete procedure. Mind you, they often try to find out the way to handle that themselves, and if it's the case like that, you should not make them just follow your procedure because that is your procedure to get your stuff done. On top of that, a procedure tend to become a mere facade and ritual. All in all, if the task can be achieved by just following some procedures, it would be far nice to write a program to do that. We need human resource in order not to follow any procedure but to make a sort of judgement according to the ever-changing context.

10 Jun 2014

When I took a bath, I realised that we had run out of the soap. So I cried out, from the bathtub, for help to someone at the living room to bring me a new one. I expected that my wife would come to the bath, but it was my son. Although I was skeptical at first about whether he could find and hand me the new soup, I gave him a go. To my surprise, he was able to take a box of soap from the drawer without my instruction, and handed the new soup to me! His growth really makes me happy even when I'm dreadfully fatigued.

9 Jun 2014

It turned out so nice in the morning that I went to the office by foot. Nevertheless, it started raining before noon again.

8 Jun 2014

We visited the Yokohama harbor with my wife's mother. A year ago tomorrow my father-in-law died and we buried his ash in the sea. The harbor was the place where we sailed out the last year. The weather was not good though, we enjoyed one day trip to the port town.

7 Jun 2014

Today, one of my friends came around, and we went to Jinbotyo to buy mountain gears. We are going to hike some mountains the next weekend, though the rainy season seemed to have started. He wanted to buy a new camera bag to carry around his new camera in the middle of climbing. Then we joined my family for dinner. It was a good day, but it would be better if it weren't raining all the day again.

6 Jun 2014

It has continued to rain since yesterday. My feet got soaked to the skin on the way home.

5 Jun 2014

The rainy season has come. Because of that, my daughter kept on crying until falling asleep.

3 Jun 2014

I took a wrong path to home tonight. The way I was automatically walking was the one I used to commute by bicycle for over ten years. No doubt I subliminally wanted to avoid taking the crowded train.

2 Jun 2014

It was certainly one of the most exhausted days for this ten years. Out of the blue, the company announced that the boss of our department was changed. I can do nothing but keep on creating books however the company politics gets complicated.

1 Jun 2014

Finally, May has gone and June has come! The past month was too dreadfully bad to make my temper lose. I hope the coming days will be great and unwinding.